PinnedRuth BurrowesinAge of EmpathyAn Ode to My White Girl Tumblr TattooThe summer after I turned 18, I got the following quote tattooed on the right side of my rib cage:Jul 8, 202318Jul 8, 202318
PinnedRuth BurrowesI Never Loved You, It Was Just LimerenceWhy you only think you’ve been in loveOct 26, 20229Oct 26, 20229
PinnedRuth BurrowesThe Key to Sparking Desire on a First DateSeduction 101 — the brutally honest female perspectiveOct 14, 202215Oct 14, 202215
PinnedRuth Burrowes8 Powerful Signs You’re Settling for the Wrong PersonYou could do worse, but you could do a lot betterSep 3, 202115Sep 3, 202115
Ruth BurrowesHe Proposed After 6 Months– 5 Things Men Look for Very Early On In DatingMy fiancé confessed that he knew he wanted to marry me about a month into dating. I’ve heard, ‘When you know, you know,’ but they don’t…Aug 2414Aug 2414
Ruth BurrowesWhat We Can All Learn from a Private Chef in the HamptonsThe cheat code to landing your dream jobAug 16Aug 16
Ruth Burrowes“Some Women Are Going to Have to Settle”Photo by Emir Bozkurt via PexelsMar 3095Mar 3095
Ruth BurrowesinChange Becomes YouEgo is the Enemy in DatingFrank told me point-blank on our first date that he “couldn’t offer [me] exclusivity.”Mar 225Mar 225
Ruth BurrowesWriting an Article a Week to Pay Off My Student LoanPhoto by Karolina Grabowska: 192Mar 192